The New York Review
Tomasky, Michael
How to Become Eminent in Washington [Rez.: Panetta, Leon; Newton, Jim: Worthy Fights. A Memoir of Leadership in War an Peace; Penguin, 2014.]
Filler, Martin
The Charms of Edwin Lutyens [Rez.: Geurst, Jereon: Cemeteries of the Great War by Sir Edwin Lutyens; 010, 2014. und Seldon, Anthony; Collings, Daniel: The Architecture of Diplomacy. The British Ambassador's Residence in Washington; Flammarion, 2014.]
Smiley, Xan
Kim Philby. Still an Enigma [Rez.: Macintyre, Ben: A Spy Among Friends. Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal; Crown, 2014.]
Doniger, Wendy
War and Peace in the Bhagavad Gita [Rez.: Davis, Richard H.: The Bhagavad Gita. A Biography; Pronceton University Press, 2014.]
Johnson, Ian
China's Brave Underground Journal [Rez.: Zeitschrift: Remembrance; via: ]
Cohen, Roger
When Israelis and Arabs for Once Agreed [Rez.: Wright, Lawrence: Thirteen Days in September. Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David; Knopf, 2014.]
Flannery, Tim
A Natural Wonder in Peril [Rez.: McCalman, Iain: The Reef: A Passionate History. The Great Barrier Reef from Captain Cook to Climate Change]
Simic, Charles
The Prisoner of History
Bowerstock, G. W.
Please Pass the Blood [Rez.: Laudan, Rachel: Cuisine and Empire. Cooking in World History; Nabhan, Gary Paul: Cumin, Camels and Caravans: A Spice Odyssey]
Paxton, Robert O.
When France Went Dreadfully Wrong [Rez.: Brown, Frederick: The Embrace of Unreason. France 1940 - 1944.]